what is this?
I didn’t want to create an ‘About Me, Us’ page,
but it’s some kind of metaverse requirement so,
here goes.
but it’s some kind of metaverse requirement so,
here goes.
I was born in Lancashire, went to Art School, passed mountains of, what seemed at the time, unnecessary certificates of validation then, I moved to London where I achieved Creative Director status. Since then, due to unforeseen circumstances, AKA redundancy, I swopped all that monotony for writing and painting, everyday since. Therefore, I’m eternally grateful for my superfluousness.
Is that enough? No?
Okay, so, about the writing.
Fictional Shorts was a happy accident, like finding twenty quid in the back pocket of your jeans before you wash them or, even after they’ve been washed. I’d written stacks of short stories or, flash fiction whatever that term means. Rather than leaving them lolling around in the bowels of my external hard drive, I decided to publish them unedited, unhindered by hours of procrastination: Raw.
I paint a lot, portraits mainly, and I like to give my art a back-story. There’s a lot of preparatory sketching, and that’s what these Fictional Shorts are, they’re sketches for bigger things. I’ve written a couple of self-published novels, but in hindsight I didn’t prepare enough. Most of these fictional shorts concentrate on one character whose personality is built by all the stuff-of-life that’s inflicted on them.
Take Mark Benson who features in On the Chase. He’s an obsessive, he likes to catalogue minute detail and that fixation creates a lot of problems. The story Anonymous doesn’t name the characters, they don’t even have specific genders, that’s up to you to decide. All the short stories are preliminary thoughts, they could become whole books or, some characters could unite and be part of a bigger picture.
Essentially fictional shorts is all about ideas, the early stages of a bigger picture.
Will that do?
I'll take that as a yes. Enjoy.